Monday, December 06, 2004

You are wrong Mr. Behrendt...

Not sure how many of you guys are a fans of Sex and the is a book by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo advising women on dating and stuff...On asked why he choose to call it 'He's Just Not That Into You' and not 'She's Just Not That Into You', he says ""Sure, we could have written that book," he says. "And about eight guys would have bought it." (

Going by what I have seen (and unfortunately experienced) I am sure the book would have sold millions...

PS: What do you think about this? Lets write a book?

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1 comment:

myprivategarden said...

The book would not sell. Trust me.
You are one of the only 8 woho would buy it.
~hugs for you though :D