Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A lightbulb moment

I had a light bulb moment today. For last few days or months, some of my friends have berated me for not keeping in touch with them. Infact, only yesterday I was thinking aout an old friend and wondering why am I not in touch with him when at one point of my life, I used to meet him for an hour or two every single day. I though about it and I was sad because to some extent I felt guilty of not staying in touch. Today, I caught up with old Talisma hands over coffee. The conversation was mostly about business. Usually when there are smarter people around, I prefer to shut up and listen. And it was fun listening to them talk business and share insights. Actually it was more than fun. It was pure joy of learning. I haven't felt this happy for a long time. My light bulb moment were actually several things: 1. Socializing with like minded people is so easy. The friend I talked about above with whom I have not stayed in touch, well I was constantly in touch with him when we were both prepping for JEE. Now that I realize that our interests and lives have diverged, obviously we no longer stay in touch or rather, staying in touch is harder. So there is peace in the world now that I understand this, I would no longer be berating myself. 2. I am happiest when I am learning. A meaningful interaction for me would be one where I learn something. Anything. Socializing just for socializing sake is an effort for me which may or may not be sustainable. Basically I am a nerd and I like to be around nerds and if I referred you to this blog post, it must be SP that you can excuse my neediness :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Weird email

I got this email:


Sub: hallo mam fuse days before i saw your veb site i like this creme colar saree how mach cast this saree anyhow much time take to delivery please tell me .thank you mam by
Attachment: umang-police-show-2012-rani-mukherjee-vidya-balan-mandira-bedi-kangna-ranaut-1.jpg
